The Dog’s Commandments.

From a- witless puppy I brought thee up;
gave thee fire and food,
and taught thee the self-respect of an honest dog.
Hear, then, my commandments:
I am thy master : thou shalt have
no other masters before me.
“Where I go, shalt thou follow;
where I abide, tarry thou also.
My house is my castle;
thou shalt honor it;
guard it with thy life
if need be!
By daylight, suffer all that approach
peaceably to enter,
without protest.
But after nightfall thou shalt
give tongue when men draw near!
Use not thy teeth on any man
without good cause and intolerable provocation;
and never on women or children.
Honor thy master and thy mistress,
that thy days may belong in the land.
Thou shalt not consort with mongrels,
nor with dogs that are common or unclean.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not feed upon refuse or stray bits ;
thy meat waits thee regularly in the kitchen.
Thou shalt not bury bones in the flower beds.
Cats are to be chased, but in sport only;
seek not to devour them;
their teeth and claws are deadly.
Thou shalt not snap at my neighbor,
nor his wife, nor his child, nor
his manservant, nor his maidservant,
nor his ox, nor his ass,
nor do harm to aught that is his.
The drawing-room rug is not for thee,
nor the sofa, nor the best armchair.
Thou hast the porch and thy own kennel.
But for the love I bear thee,
there is always a corner for thee by the winter fire.
Meditate on these commandments day and night;
so shalt thou be a dog of good breeding
and an honor to thy master.
While trying to find out more about the canine food thief in my previous post Judge Reprimands Naughty Dog!, I stumbled across  this in Kooweerup Sun, Lang Lang Guardian and Cranbourne Shire Record (Vic. : 1918) Wednesday 4 September 1918 p 3.
Any thoughts?
xx Rowena

6 thoughts on “The Dog’s Commandments.

  1. Rowena Post author

    As long as the dogs are on a lap, they can lie anywhere. However, Lady the new dog on he block, keeps ending up in the kids beds. This is just the beginning of her mischief. She has been spotted standing on the kitchen table too the impudent sod but has at least learned not to get caught these days.
    BTW I’ve posted a new dog post about a Newfoundland and I have a story of a French thief dog coming up.
    xx Rowena

  2. Keith Channing

    Ooh. Tables strictly out of bounds (except in the camper – Trevor does like to get onto the table in there, but gets off when he’s told); no kids, so that’s not an issue.
    We fostered a dog for a few months last year – a shepherd cross of some sort. Her owner, who had to go into hospital, laughingly said that we should keep everything at the back of kitchen work-surfaces, because she’ll steal anything. Excuse me; that’s not a joke. Should have been trained out of her very early on!

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