Tag Archives: desert

Watered Dreams – Friday Fictioneers 16th November, 2023.

Sophie was trying hard to water her dreams. Yet, the blazing outback sun scorched and burnt everything in sight, and dreams weren’t immune either. When Sophie moved out to Broken Hill, she’d taken her red geranium, Gertie, with her. Gertie reminded Sophie of her mother back in Germany and her treasured garden. Then, somewhere along the way, Gertie became a barometer of how things were going. Now, all but dead with scorched brown leaves, Gertie was clinging to the very last threads of life and Sophie too. Yet, there are rain clouds on the horizon, and with them, precious hope.


100 words

This has been another contribution to Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to Purple. We’d love you to join us and here’s the link to this weeks stories: Friday Fictioneers.

Best wishes,


The Snow Job – Friday Fictioneers.

The instant Inge saw the ad, she leaped at the chance to work on the Australian ski fields. Skiing was in her blood. Yet, although her parents had met at the Nagano Olympics and ran the ski school in Grosser Arber, Inge hadn’t claimed it as her own. Rather, it took crossing that vast expanse of desert they called “the Nullarboring”, to get a sense of who she was and claim skiing as her own.

However, as the bus headed into Perisher, something was wrong. Where were the mountains? What about the snow?

All she wanted was a white Christmas.


This has been another contribution for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wishoff Fields The photo prompt for this week was kindly provided by © Dale Rogerson.

I have crossed the Nullarbor by car, train and plane and personally, I find something inspirational in that vast expanse of seeming nothingness. It reminds me of Jesus going out into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. There’s so much space, that your thoughts can just keep going and going and going without being pinned in by concrete and steel.

The Nullarbor Plain (/ˈnʌlərbɔːr/ NUL-ər-bor; Latin: nullus, “no”, and arbor, “tree”[1]) is part of the area of flat, almost treeless, arid or semi-arid country of southern Australia, located on the Great Australian Bight coast with the Great Victoria Desert to its north. It is the world’s largest single exposure of limestone bedrock, and occupies an area of about 200,000 square kilometres (77,000 sq mi).[2] At its widest point, it stretches about 1,100 kilometres (684 mi) from east to west across the border between South Australia and Western Australia -Wikipaedia.

BTW thought you might appreciate reading my Valentine’s Day post about the snow bear’s search for love Snowy…A Valentine’s Day Hopeful.

xx Rowena