Waltzing Matildas and the World Cup.

Last night, yours truly was glued to the big screen watching the Matilda’s and the Lionesses battle it out in the semi-finals of the FIFA Women’s World Cup. If I’d had the chance I would’ve been all decked out in the green and gold and wearing a Matilda’s jersey, but I’m only a Jackie-come-lately in the supporter’s department and I couldn’t even dig out anything green and gold out of the wardrobe. I just had to go as myself.

Expectations were riding high too. If we could defeat the French (albeit by the narrowest of margins in a tighter than tight match), we could thrash our nemesis “the Pommes”. There’s naturally been a long history of intense rivalry between our nations most notably incapsulated in the cricket Ashes series. We like to think we’re more than a scratch above the pasty looking lot who come out here to fry and burn on our beaches. Nothing injures our Aussie pride more than a thrashing by the Pommes.

Video highlights of the match: https://www.matildas.com.au/video/230816-matildas-england-fd

Somehow, the Matildas’ run for the World Cup captured the Australian nation by storm. Audiences for the semi-final reached a staggering 11.15 million people nationally with an average audience of 7.13 million, making it the most watched TV program since the OzTAM measurement started in 2001. I don’t know how they calculated these figures because we had a room full of people watching it together on the big screen so I’m thinking these figures are the tip of a massive iceberg.

The big question I have is why were we watching it? Even more so, why were we so engaged it in and why did we care? How did we get so swept away on this tidal wave of passionate support when I’m sure I’m not the only one who had never watched a game of soccer before? It wasn’t just a case of being part of the crowd. There was something within me which was wakened from the dead and set on fire. Not only was I passionate about the Matilda’s winning, but my feelings towards the English flared up as well. The TV coverage poured kerosene on the fire too showing these proud beaming English fans all decked out in their supporters’ gear especially after they’d shot goals. I was actually quite surprised at how easy it was for me to get caught up in the proverbial “Us versus Them” and I could[‘ve gone into battle myself if I hadn’t been well away from the stadium and out of harm’s way. There was definitely something very tribal about it all and to be honest not all of it good.

Unfortunately, we lost and England beat us 3-1.

However, we have another game coming up on Sunday when we fight off against Sweden for third place. I am hoping to join my friends again in front of the big screen but if not, I’ll definitely be watching on at home.

I don’t know what this tidal wave of support means for women’s sport, soccer etc in Australia. One hopes there’s a long term flow on effect. I hope that the current Matildas receive just rewards for their efforts. While they now receive equal pay with their male counterparts, it’s been a very rough slog to get there and they’ve battled for support on all fronts. It would also be so encouraging for young girls and women to play soccer and feel they could make a good living professionally. That they don’t have to hold multiple jobs just to make ends meet especially when their male equivalents are raking it in. Also that girls can play soccer just as much as netball or any other sport. That gender doesn’t define you.

Meanwhile, I’m grateful for the sacrifices the Matildas have made along the way and commend them on a job very well done. While they might not have beaten England last night, they have certainly conquered the nation and have very much broken new ground there. It will be interesting to see what lies ahead.

Did you watch any of the Matilda’s matches? Any thoughts? I’d love to hear from you!

Best wishes,


24 thoughts on “Waltzing Matildas and the World Cup.

  1. Liam

    So heartbroken for Australia losing, especially to England. I remember how thrilling it was when the USA won at home in 1999 and was hoping that Australians would get to experience that as well.

  2. Tails Around the Ranch

    I understand completely. While not much of a basketball fan per se, I found myself following the playoffs when the Denver Nuggets were in it. Guess it’s fun to associate with ‘our’ home teams, even when we’re not huge fans. Sorry the Matilda’s weren’t able to beat England but they’ve played well in the tourney. Maybe get them next time-but they have nothing to feel badly about.⚽️ 🥅 ⚽️

  3. TanGental

    think the right team won and congrats to the Matildas for getting so far given the lack of a proper professional league at home. If the Aussi FA could set up something you’ll win. It needs investment and infrastructure. And yes beating you guys is always excellent, esp. When I look at some of your news coverage and see how much whinging is included – apparently we won because we kicked you guys off the park, not for any other reason!!
    However on a serious note the benefits for women’s sport is huge. The Lionesses winning the Euros captured the nation and this is just reinforcing the message. It’ll be the same with you guys. It was also excellent to see specatators mixed together as is always the case save men’s football. That is its tragedy and I really hope the passion of support you reference doesn’t turn to the tribalism as seen in male soccer.
    And good luck for Saturday (not Sunday – that’s us, tee hee). Hope you beat the Swedes. It’ll make you honorary Turnips! I’m sure you’ll support us rather than the Spanish!

  4. CarolCooks2

    I’m one of the ones who(a pomme) comes not to burn on your beautiful beaches but to see my dear daughter who lives in Perth…I was also delighted that we thrashed you-big smile- but you did keep the Ashes -smile- However like you Rowena I also hope that it raises the profile and equals up the inequalities where women in sport are concerned -smile-

  5. scottwblogger1723

    Originally I wanted England but now I wanted Australia because they became the most entertaining team to watch and I wish they could’ve made it to the World Cup Final. Overall I’m really proud of the team that has shown pride of bring soccer to this country.

  6. Rowena Post author

    Me too, Scott. It was disappointing that they lost against England and Sweden but they did very well to get so far. Here’s to new beginnings and a bright future!

  7. Rowena Post author

    Loved your reply, Carol. Perth is a wonderful city and I lived in WA for a few years. My aunt lives over there and it is like being at the end of the universe.

  8. scottwblogger1723

    After the 4-0 win against Canada this was the best Matildas Match alongside side with the Greatest Victory in Penalty Shootouts which that’s why I became more supportive with the Aussie Side.

  9. scottwblogger1723

    I also believe they will get a bright future especially the Summer Olympics for next year and bring in Soccer to Australia for a growing population for years to come even it will be popular as Rugby and Australian Footy

  10. Rowena Post author

    As much as I hate to say it, I agree with you that England was a stronger side and deserved the win and unfortunately I need to repeat myself because Sweden did us in tonight for 2-0. I’d spoken to a few friends during the week who know a lot more about soccer and they filled me in and the Matildas had the same weaknesses tonight. They also had us in pale blue outfits and Sweden was in the green and gold and I was constantly supporting the wrong team. I have my L plates on as a soccer supporter.
    I am curious to see what unfolds from the Matilda’s success. The government has already committed $200 million to women’s sport and apparently building change rooms. If we don’t even have change rooms for women’s sport we’re in trouble. I wouldn’t really know. I was about to say I’m not sporty but I’ve reinvented myself lately to boost my physical activity. I am now an “exercise fanatic”. I am currently doing pulmonary rehab and had a 1.5 hour physio session this week followed by an hour one. This included clocking up 15 minutes on a modified exercise bike and my breathing is coping. It’s a miracle! I have a 30 mins home physio program which I am struggling with but I am getting there. Easily distracted.
    Ghostbusters is on TV atm and it takes me back. Loved that movie. It came out in 1984 when I was 15 years old. My goodness! That was multiple lifetimes ago!
    PS I will be going for England tomorrow night but please keep that quiet.

  11. Rowena Post author

    Thanks, Monika. They lost tonight to Sweden They did so well getting to fourth in the competition, especially when they don’t get the dollars here or have the same level of competition that other countries have. However, it’s a learning curve and there’s always next time. Meanwhile, we’ve had some great nights of soccer and bonded with family and friends which we’ll never forget. It was truly exhilarating. I even had a couple of friends over to watch it tonight. Our house has been too messy to have people over for awhile and I’ve been slogging away at it for a couple of months especially to have people over. So I’m really stoked. BTW My health is going a lot better too which is a huge relief. Things are really starting to come together for me!

  12. Rowena Post author

    Thank you so much, Liam. It would’ve been incredible to win the World Cup on home soil or anywhere for that matter and thank you for thinking of us Australians.

  13. Rowena Post author

    I bet there were quite a few “working from home” during the match over there. Good luck against Spain. I think I’ll be going for England.

  14. Tails Around the Ranch

    I heard about the outcome early this morning on the BBC. The Matilda’s have nothing to be ashamed of and will likely let the experience fuel their competitiveness for the future. So glad to hear your health is improving-way to go!

  15. CarolCooks2

    You are welcome , Rownena not having been to anywhere other than Perth which I absolutely love I can’t draw that comparison but agree much of it is beautifully remote 🙂

  16. TanGental

    And so it is that the Spanish were better on the day. You guys ran a splendid tournament which has helped push the women’s game forward. Glad your pushing your own boundaries!!

  17. Rowena Post author

    I’ve been meaning to chase you up about the game but have been all over the shop this week despite my efforts to get into some kind of routine.
    I was quite surprised by the extent to which the Spanish seemed to be everywhere on the fild in the same way the Lionesses had done to the poor Matildas. Unfortunately, the ultra-inconceivable happened when the Matildas lost to Sweden and we didn’t make third place. However, I think in some ways the Matildas achieved something even more monumental than winning the World Cup attracting massive, unprecendented attendance and TV ratings. I don’t know how or why it happened but I get the feeling there were a lot of people like me avidly watching who had never watched a game of soccer before but somehow fell under their spell. What this means for the future remains to be seen but I think we’re in new territory.

  18. Rowena Post author

    Perth is lovely and the wildflower season over there is incredible. Have you experienced that? I also thought you might be interested in the New Norcia Monastery if you haven’t been there. Here’s a link: https://www.newnorcia.com.au/
    I’ve stayed there and it’s amazing.

  19. Rowena Post author

    Thanks so much, Monica. Relieved my health has improved so much and I’m having some lung function tests on Tuesday which will tell me whether my lung capacity has improved. I believe it has given my exercise capacity has improved so much. Fingers crossed and many prayers!

  20. Rowena Post author

    Agreed. I must keep their performance at the Summer Olympics in mind, although I’m sure the media coverage will keep me posted. The Matildas are big news!

  21. CarolCooks2

    Hi Rowena yes I have experienced the wildflower season its stunning but haven’t visited the New Norcia Monastery thank you for the link…we won’t be going back to Perth this year my daughter is coming over September but we plan to go next year ..I just love Perth 🙂

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