Tag Archives: meaningless

No Meaning: Friday Fictioneers- 6th June, 2024.

“What the?” We asked dumbstruck.

Random objects had been herded together in a gallery window, making no sense at all… an old brass bell, a plant in a terracotta pot, and a few chunks of rock surrounded a handblown glass vase seeming imbued by the spirit of Psyche. Further scrambling the picture, reflections of neon stars from the cafe across the road had invaded the window and clearly didn’t belong.

“Why is it so?”

“Goodness knows, but I’m calling it: The Window Without Meaning“.

With that, the random arrangement of objects suddenly gained a name, an identity, and finally…meaning.


100 words PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

I am quite a philosophical sort, and for some reason, I seem to think that if I keep exploring and delving into things, the mysteries of my own life and those around me will somehow make sense. I don’t tend to go down the scientific path and I’m not one to question how a machine works until it doesn’t work, and at that point I call my husband, Geoff because he is great at fixing stuff. I am better attuned to at least trying to help, or at least travel alongside broken people.

Perhaps, you might recall that we were houseminding on the Queensland Gold Coast for a month? During this time, we explored numerous art galleries, and I arrived home not only inspired but I’ve pumping out quite varied works and many of them are using crochet, which I didn’t see on our trip and I’ve never done before. It’s like an alien being has possessed my mind. That said, being creative, it’s not the first time and I’m sure won’t be the last.

THe thing I have noticed with my artworks which are all abstract, is this grappling with meaning yet doesn’t need to explain everything and have all the answers. On the other hand, with my writing, I’m exploring questions, and there needs to be answers. When there aren’t answers or the answers require vigorous research, I often tend to put my project to one side and might not get back to it for awhile- if at all.

I guess, now that I put all of this into words and make it more concrete, I’ve realized that it’s okay to say you don’t know. After all, we don’t know everything.

I wonder if you have any thoughts on this? I’d love to hear from you.

Meanwhile, I’ve been quite unwell over the last couple of weeks with a chest infection. I have acute Interstitial Lung Disease and so it’s hit me like a ton of bricks. Probably worse that I gave it credit for, because it wasn’t as acute as some of the bugs I’ve had before but my cough is lingering on and I’m not really back on my feet yet. On the upside, I’m doing a lot of reading, art, crochet and trying to make sense of myself and the complex world around me.

This has been another contribution to Friday Fictioneers kindly hosted by Rochelle Wisoff Fields at Addicted to Purple. I encourage you to pop along and have a go. I am surprises by what I can write with only 100 words.

Best wishes,
