Hello world!

When you think about launching something new, there are so many, many things to consider. After all, you want to get it right. You want it to have impact and at the very least, be good.

I believe that this is why so many good ideas never make it off the ground.

We spend way too much time trying to perfect our good ideas before we get started. Moreover, since no one can ever reach perfection, nothing happens.Another good idea bites the dust.

Meanwhile, somebody else actually has the guts to go ahead. We watch them in horror perhaps as they pursue our dreams while we are still  “thinking about it”.

My daughter recently took up the violin. She is only 6 years old and she is just starting to read music. Even though we thought piano would be an easy instument to start off on, she pleaded to learn the violin and so we let her go ahead.

As everybody else knows, the violin is not the easiest instrument to learn and can make some spine-chilling screeches that sound something like two tom cats fighting in a back alley. These sounds are part and parcel of learning to play the violin.

Well,  Madam took these sounds a bit too personally and refused to pick up her violin. She ended up having a complete primadonna meltdown and cried:

“But Mummy, I just want to be perfect.”

I was understandably concerned and had no idea where all this perfectionism had come from.After all, I’m always making mistakes.

It was only later when I was doing battle with my writing back home that I finally acknowledged that the seed hadn’t fallen very far from the tree.

You see, when it comes to my writing, I’m such a perfectionist that I am constantly editing my work. Hence, it is never finished and not ready to share. I feel like I have some pretty good ideas but they are just stuck inside my computer going nowhere at the moment and I want that to change.

This is why I have started my blog. It is my first tentative step away from my computer and out into the real world.

Well, it’s not my first step but it’s probably my second. I have after all had my press releases published in the Peninsula News and one press release even made it into the Express Advocate.

I know I’ve rambled on for awhile now. In case you’re wondering what this blog is going to be about…it’s a bit of whatever….philosophy, parenting, writing, striving to overcome my health issues and just making the most out of every single moment we have in this life.I hope you’ll come along and enjoy my journey.

So here goes. I can’t say that I’m actually diving into the vast unknown of blogging. It’s more a case of just dipping my big toe in the water. The rest of me is still standing back a little just checking things out. But I am actually taking the first step towards pursuing my dream and that’s all that matters.

xx Ro

11 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Mr WordPress

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  2. Pingback: Blogging From Zero to Twenty Thousand Views | beyondtheflow

  3. Tails Around the Ranch

    Personally, I’d delete the first comment but that’s just me. 🙂
    Having been there, done that, I know only too well the challenges at growing a blog. You’ve done something amazing. ❤

  4. New Journey

    Whoooo Hooooo another great launch……queue fanfare music…..I love reading your blog and will happily pay tribute to your first blog post……job well done!!!

  5. roweeee Post author

    Thanks, very much, Kathy. Working on this post was the first time I’d been back to the beginning for a very long time and I’d had no idea that I’d had such humble beginnings. I didn’t even get a look in from family and friends…such a lonely little petunia!
    Thanks so much for your beautiful feedback and encouragement xx Rowena

  6. roweeee Post author

    Thanks very much, Monika. Ditto. I have been reading a great book of dog stories simply called “Dog Stories” published by Cathay Books. It includes short stories by James Herriott, Kipling and Gerald Durrell as well as famour dog trainer Barbara Woodhouse. It was published in 1981. It has great stories about how they train a guide dog as well as training a deaf Border Collie to herd sheep. Very interesting.
    By the way so you don’t feel Sam isn’t the only one who doesn’t stick to his training. We took the dogs to the beach on Saturday and there were people fishing and the are naturally attracted to them like magnets. Anyway, Bilbo who is usually a model of good behavior tried to snaffle up a container of beef slices they had on the sand next to him. Quite frankly, I wasn’t surprised. Leaving meat on the ground in the dog beach section wasn’t very bright. I since found out that Bilbo had picked up worms, which would explain his even more voracious appetite than usual. Now, we’ve all been wormed and hopefully things settle down a bit. Ha! It’s school holidays here although I have a day off today. The kids are off with vacation care. xx Rowena

  7. roweeee Post author

    Thank you very much for the share, Norah. That page will be in shock being dug up after so long in the dark xx Rowena

  8. Solveig

    I am nosy I know, I love uncovering the first blog posts …
    I started my blog with a letter to my future readers, now looking back it feels as if the first post was the hardest, and somehow many bloggers have a similar post with which they start their adventure.

  9. roweeee Post author

    I’ll have to pop over and read your first post. I haven’t thought about doing that with other blogs but it’s a great idea xx Rowena

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