Hit By A Bus- Friday Fictioneers: 17th August, 2023.

“Have they given you any idea how long you’ve got?”

“No. They just keep saying how long is a ball of string?”

“How long is a ball of string? What the heck? It’s written right there on the packet. All this cryptic, philosophical crap is BS.”

“Well, you know how it is. No crystal ball and all of that. They don’t want to commit. Name a place, date and time. Say I could well get hit by a bus. Indeed, we could all get hit by a bus. No guarantees.”

However, texting while crossing the road certainly increased the odds.


100 Words PHOTO PROMPT © Brenda Cox – Thank you Brenda!

I used to be the Marketing Manager of an IT company. It was often difficult to quote on the cost of a job ahead of time and my boss often used to say: “how long is a ball of string?” I’ve been battling an acute autoimmune disease for years and have never been given any kind of use-by-date as such although twice my lung specialist has said that if I catch another virus I’d be in major trouble, which was pretty much the same thing.

I don’t know whether it’s better or worse to have some kind of deadline to know when you’re going to die but it’s often hard to predict. I was going to say that it can be hard to live in the shadow of a terminal diagnosis but I’ve also known friends who have extended themselves and really carpe diemed to make the most of the short time they have left.

This has been another contribution to Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to Purple.

Best wishes,


14 thoughts on “Hit By A Bus- Friday Fictioneers: 17th August, 2023.

  1. Brenda's Thoughts

    It is true that trying to take every day and making the most of it is the best way to live. None of us know when or how long. I’m sorry for your struggles, Rowena. It must be difficult. You’re welcome for the photo. Nicely written story. I enjoyed the last line. Take care of yourself!

  2. Rowena Post author

    Thank you so much for your concern, Brenda. It gets tough at times but then after I miraculously pull through again, everything comes up roses It is definitely a strange journey.

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