Weekend Coffee Share – 19th November, 2023.

Welcome to Another Weekend Coffee Share!

So, how are you all and what’s been going on in your neck of the woods?

At Sydney International Airport

The big news here is that our son returned from LA on Tuesday live and well without any major disasters other than skidding and coming off his bike between Santa Monica and Venice Beach. He visited Disneyland and Universal Studios all without sending us so much as a photo, let alone a postcard and as for a t-shirt, my goodness, you wouldn’t want me going into shock. All of this has actually got me wondering. Maybe he didn’t go anywhere after all and he has spent the last three weeks in limbo somewhere at the airport. After all, I have no proof that he actually boarded a plane let alone made it to America. Well, not exactly no proof. He did post a video reel at Universal Studios on Instagram. So maybe he did go after all.

At Central Station, Sydney.

The returned traveller with Rosie the dog.

Wednesday was another big day where I managed to edit three poems, which I entered into the Bruce Dawe Poetry Competition. Of course, everyone hopes to win, but considering I was cutting them back and editing on the day, I’m not overly confident. I tend to write in free verse and I’m not sure how that compares to something more structured. We’ll see. I’m just glad I got them polished and out the door. Indeed, taking a leaf out of Theodore Roosevelt’s book, I actually managed to get myself out in the arena:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

Yesterday, we headed off to a local nursing home to watch our daughter dance for the oldies. They do this once a year in the lead up to Christmas and it’s their opportunity to give something back to the community, although it’s such a pleasure all round. Miss mentioned she really likes dancing there where she’s not up on stage with the lights blinding her from seeing the audience and it’s more interactive and intimate. We also enjoy visiting the residents and they are fun and appreciative of their performance and anything can happen. They’ve had residents walk through a performance on their walking frame, which can be a bit risky but the dancers scale things back a bit and turn their more complex moves into cartwheels to keep it safe.

Today, Geoff and I headed off to see Ethan Beckton, a finalist from The Voice 2023 performing locally at the Hawkesbury Brewing Company, Lisarow. I really get into The Voice every year and get drawn right into all the competitors, their stories and the battle to win and try to make it in the often brutal music industry. I was really swept away by Ethan’s performance of Labrinth’s Jealous and I wasn’t alone. There was something very vulnerable about him and his eyes seemed to speak and I had this strange sense of connection. Perhaps, it was that sad song appeal which grabbed me by the throat and despite his girlfriend cheering backstage, he really did sound quite brokenhearted in his performance. I’ve been going through a rough trot myself with my lungs and I guess I felt Ethan expressed some of my own pain and grief in this song about something completely different. Anyway, I really enjoyed his performance, and was really thrilled to say hello to him, his mum and his girlfriend. That was so special. I really wish him well. I guess I am getting to an age now where I want to look out for our young people and encourage them and help out where I can, even if that’s something as being a smiling face in the audience and giving a clap. I had a great time. My only regret was not getting up for a dance. I find it hard to sit still and listen to music but no one else got up and while he did sing “Dancing By Myself”, that wasn’t going to be me. Well, I sort of tell a lit. A few little girls did get up and dance and they were just beautiful. There was a pair of young sisters and the big sister would just pull the little sister along, lift her up. She had no say in what happened and they were very cute.

Meanwhile, it is Spring here and I’ve found that by photographing individual flowers, our garden not only passes muster but is rather colourful and beautiful. The yellow rose bush at the front door has been in flower for the last week and has been such a delight. I always make sure I stop and smell the rose when I arrive home and it’s been so beautiful – a real joy! Meanwhile, the gardenia tells a terrible tale of miraculous recovery after criminal neglect. I was so excited to see it flower this week. On the other hand, it’s mate which is parked right alongside it breathing the same air, basking in the same semi-sunshine and is now being watered regularly, is still barely alive and not responding to my desperate please to revive. It clearly hasn’t forgiven me yet.

Well, time has well and truly run away from me. Time to get to bed. Well, at least, it was. How has your week been ? I hope it’s gone well and I look forward to hearing from you.

This has been another Weekend Coffee Share hosted by Natalie the Explorer.

Best wishes,



4 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share – 19th November, 2023.

  1. Gary A Wilson

    I did ministry at a local old folks care facility in San Jose for a while. Then I started taking some of our Jr. High girls with me and the whole thing was such a treat for everyone, including me. We had plenty of, um, unexpected things happen during those visits. Once when one of the adult leaders from our church came along, this one gal who really seemed to be tracking the message I’d prepared, leaned forward from the front row of wheel chairs and pulled her shirt off, and flashed mostly me, but everyone had to have seen her.
    I was left speechless – I mean what does a young Christian guy do with a 90-some-odd year old woman who suddenly decides to go topless in your ceremony? I glanced back at my church leader for some clue as to what to do – but he was doubled over laughing as quietly as he could manage. No one else seemed to care much so I went over to cover her up, because some distractions cannot be ignored and was found struggling with her when her attendants arrived to save me. That leader refused to let me forget that service. . .
    I would have given up that venue to dancers immediately.

  2. Natalie

    Your daughter looks gorgeous in her ballet outfit. I’m sure the residents appreciate her performance. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  3. Marsha

    What a wonderful week you have had, Rowena. All of your pictures are lovely. Your daughter is a beautiful flower! How lucky the oldies are to have such a performance. Like Gary, my first husband and I used to go to nursing homes to conduct services and sing. My most memorable time was someone yelling “Get me out of here,” while my husband preached. We all laughed about it later, but at the time, it was disconcerting! 🙂

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