Grandma’s Sunflower Patch: Friday Fictioneers 29th November, 2023.

“Come see my new garden,” Grandma called enthusiastically as soon as we pulled up at the farm. Thanks to all the lockdowns, we hadn’t seen her for a year, but she was as irrepressible as ever – 85 years young.

Suddenly, my jaw dropped. Grandma had rolled Grandpa’s 1970 Ford Falcon XY GT out of the shed and was growing sunflowers under the bonnet. That car was worth a fortune, and a recent barn find had sold for $230K. With the farm mortgaged to the hilt, selling the car was meant to be their salvation.

Still, it did look beautiful.

100 words PHOTO PROMPT © Fleur Lind

Thank you so much for this week’s photo, Fleur. I loved it.

For my story this week, I’ve fused it with a story I saw on the news tonight about a 1970 Ford Falcon XY GT being found in a shed in Queensland and selling for $230K. Gray’s auctioned the car and put two videos together which capture a wonderful story and all the mechanical details for any car enthusiasts.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that. I’m not that into cars myself and even I found it fascinating. Back when I was a child, my brother and cousin and I would go exploring under my grandparents’ house and it was like we were searching for hidden treasure. It was so much fun!

Anyway, this has been another contribution to Friday Fictioneers, which is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields from Addicted to Purple and we right up to 100 words to a photo prompt and then share our efforts. Maybe, you’d like to join us.

Best wishes,


29 thoughts on “Grandma’s Sunflower Patch: Friday Fictioneers 29th November, 2023.

  1. Rowena Post author

    This was another story, which could have used a few more words. My idea was that the family hadn’t seen her for awhile due to the covid lockdowns and while she sounded okay on the phone, she’d developed dementia which had led to the garden in the car. This particular car has always been valuable as it was a one-off promotional model of a popular Ford. However, because it had been in storage for about 50 years and was in near pristine original condition aside from the paintwork, it was very valuable. The house where is was garaged was quite overgrown and they had to get a bobcat to get it out.

  2. Rowena Post author

    Thanks so much, Tannille. This car has a fascinating story and was actually a valuable one-off promotional vehicle. How a car just gets stored like that for 50 years is beyond me although my husband has a Morris Minor in the back garage- a restoration project which never seems to happen. He grew up on a farm and cars just used to be left in a paddock until the rust turned to dust.
    BTW have you heard of journalist and author Richard Glover? I’ve read a few of his books and he has a column in Spectrum which is hilarious. Anyway, he spoke at our local golf club last Friday night and we went along. I wrote a post I thought you might enjoy:
    Best wishes,

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