Street Art, Brisbane – Thursday Doors

This week’s offering is more about street art appearing on doors, than featuring the actual doors themselves and I recall another offering a few weeks ago capturing street art on traffic signal boxes. I spotted these in the Brisbane CBD somewhere in between Central Station and Queen Street Mall. I really loved the bright colours and detailed designs. They were done, to the best of my knowledge by Ruby Bluess

It looks like the work above was also done by Bessie Powell

Hope you enjoy them.

This has been another contribution to Thursday Doors hosted by Dan Antion. This week he went to the Carnegie Space Center, which was interesting. Fancy seeing what it would be like to live on Mars? Go and check it out.

Best wishes,


3 thoughts on “Street Art, Brisbane – Thursday Doors

  1. Dan Antion

    I love seeing street art done well, Rowena and you’ve captured some very nice examples. We have a little street art, but mostly graffiti around here.

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