Camellia Dreaming.

In a split second of eternity,

everything is changed,


A few bars of music,

rising from an unfamiliar place,

a touch of perfection in the flow of human dealings…

I lean my head slowly to one side,

reflect on the camellia on the moss on the temple,

reflect on a cup of tea,

while outside the wind is rustling foliage,

the forward rush of life is crystalized

in a brilliant jewel of a moment

that knows neither projects nor future,

human destiny is rescued from the pale succession of days,

glows with light at last and,

surpassing time,

warms my tranquil heart.

Muriel Barbery

The stunning pink camellia I’ve photographed in situ here, was lying on the mossy grass in my parent’s garden yesterday. It was about the size of a saucer and absolutely beautiful!

A taste of a Sydney Spring.

xx Rowena

1 thought on “Camellia Dreaming.

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Very beautiful! I wish they grew here. I got a faux one… it’s called a camellia tree and looks like the flower. I guess I shouldn’t complain! šŸ˜‰

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