Weekend Coffee Share – 7th February, 2022

Welcome Back to Another Weekend Coffee Share!

This week, you’re in luck because I stewed up two kilos of fresh apricots and last night produced a scrumptious Apricot Pie. Of course, I couldn’t find one of our three big rolling pins, and had to make do with a small kids one we still have floating around the kitchen. The other complication with producing the pie, was that I cut my finger chopping up pumpkin for dinner on Saturday night. I’d just managed to get the pastry to the stage where I had the diced butter sitting in the bowl with the sifted flour, and the roast in the oven with the potatoes parboiling in the microwave, when calamity struck. I managed to slice through the side of my finger and halfway through the nail. I called out for help and knew it would be a hospital run at least to get it checked out.

My effort with the knife gives a fresh insight into the phrase “having your finger in the pie”!

A hospital run is obviously not the way you want to be spending your Saturday night. However, with omicron on the rampage and not being allowed to take someone with you into hospital, it’s less than ideal especially as I’m immunosuppressed and have crappy lungs and I have other health and disability issues and shock which meant I could barely walk, speak or think straight. Geoff came with me to Emergency. I had my walking stick and we requested a wheelchair and I showed my disability Companion Card and Geoff was allowed to stay with me and we were also taken to a treatment Room to wait so I was kept isolated. Although we were told it was a relatively quiet day, the hospital was running very smoothly and none of the signs of catastrophic collapse we’d heard about. Anyway, the one good legacy of Donald Trump is that we now know all news is fake, and over the last two years that has truly come to pass.

Scouts changed all there badges so the royal “we” had to sewn on the lot for Sunday’s Queen’s Scout presentation for his friend.

Meanwhile the diversity that comes with parenthood continues. This week saw me sewing on Scout badges for our son after narrowing missing having my own finger sewn up, and also shopping for a new tutu for our daughter. This is a big step up or her in terms of tutus. Shopping for tutus is fun and rather glamorous but also a tad stressful because nothing knows perfect and no compromise like classical ballet. However, her teacher suggested a website and a description and I think I’ve succeeded. The Miss loves it. I love it. I’ve bought the measuring tape. Thunderbirds are almost go.

Right now, I’m grateful for anything I can scratch off my to do list, even though I keep adding to it with a pile of diversions such as my second doorscursion to Cork City, Ireland: https://beyondtheflow.wordpress.com/2022/02/04/thursday-doors-returning-to-the-city-of-cork-ireland/

Best wishes,


7 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share – 7th February, 2022

  1. leannelc

    Hi Rowena – sorry to hear about your finger, but glad the Emergency visit went well. That tutu is just gorgeous so I’m not surprised you and your daughter both love it.

  2. TanGental

    I am soooo out of my depth on tutus. Desmond was he only one I understood. Hope it wasn’t a blood apple pie in the end and good you survived.

  3. Rowena Post author

    I shouldn’t speak too soon, Geoff but it seems we have our dramas in our house but we somehow survive.
    I’m not sure I qualify on the tutu front either. II often wonder how I’ve ended up the mother of a ballerina. We are polar opposites in this regard but she’s got me interested and typical parent I’m just dazzled by anything they do.

  4. Rowena Post author

    Thanks, Leanne. I hope it works out. Buying tutus is such a fussy business but she’ll look amazing especially when she’s en pointe and all decked out.

  5. trentpmcd

    Hope the finger is better! You left us in a waiting room, waiting 😉 Glad they allowed Geoff in with you – I’m sure it made it much easier.

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