Cloyne, County Cork – Thursday Doors.

“Often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. “

Helen Keller

Welcome to Another Thursday Doors!

This week we’re heading off to Cloyne in County Cork, Ireland for an exciting doorscursion. While I know checking out doors isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, even before I knew Thursday Doors was a thing, I’d photograph an interesting door, especially since photography has gone digital and it’s nowhere near as expensive. We have the luxury of being able to explore every nook and cranny around us through the lens without sending ourselves broke.

The door to Cloyne Tower

Although I live in Sydney, Australia, I’ve been researching my Irish roots and that’s what took me to Cloye near Midleton in County Clare last week. I was researching my 4 x Great Grandmother, Bridget Donovan, who was an inmate of Midleton Workhouse during the Great Hunger (Irish Famine) and jumped on Google Earth to get a feel for her world.

While these trips of mine via Google Earth might seem rather eccentric, they’ve actually been surprisingly beneficial. While it’s nowhere near as good to being there in person, I’ve been able to pair it up with YouTube and have enjoyed traditional Irish music in a few pubs in Carrigaholt, Clare and discovered an inspiring new author in Michael Harding thanks to Midleton Bookshop. That’s what travel does. It opens doors, but unfortunately travel has been seriously curtailed for so many of us over the last two years.

Who knows what the future is going to bring. Today, Russia invaded Ukraine, and I am praying for a miracle in this region, independence for Ukraine and long term peace.

Meanwhile, this is another contribution to Thursday Doors, which is hosted by Dan Antion at

Best wishes,


9 thoughts on “Cloyne, County Cork – Thursday Doors.

  1. Rowena Post author

    Thanks very much, Denny. The next photo down connects on to the bottom of the tower, but is taken from a different angle to emphasise the ladder. BTW the tower was built in the 10th century. It’s so enchanting although I wouldn’t want to get locked up inside there.

  2. Dan Antion

    Another charming tour, Rowena. I love that quote, and I like how you’re combining street views and music to create an nice experience. I hope you have a great rest of the week.

  3. Rowena Post author

    Thanks, Monika. Google is my best friend.
    Hope you’ve defrosted a bit. I might be dry, but I’m feeling like a drowned rat with all this rain.
    Best wishes,

  4. Rowena Post author

    I really enjoy these Google Earth adventures. You never know what’s behind closed doors, but with the help of the Internet you can at least gain an impression.
    I hope you’re week goes well too.
    Best wishes,

  5. dennyho

    The 10th century? This why I love travelling, we have no structures here in US with such history. We do have wonderful structures, just different. Thanks for this backstory Rowena.

  6. Rowena Post author

    Glad you enjoyed my Google Earth adventures. I wonder whether I’ve really stumbled onto something amazing here, or whether i’ve finally crossed the tipping point and plunged into insanity. Well, even if I have gone mad, at least I have a smile on my face.
    Best wishes,

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