The End Of An Era…No More School!

Last week, Little Miss who isn’t so little anymore graduated from high school and had her Year 12 formal. Naturally, this generated a lot of food for thought in addition to the parental pride, signs of relief and seeing everyone in all their splendour. It also brings significant changes for me, which are mostly liberating and yet there’s that sense of belonging and being part of the community. Well, at least that’s been my experience. I was very involved at their primary school being on the P & C and the official school photographer as well as helping out with the class reading. High school doesn’t really encourage parent involvement either from the kids or the school. You’re expected to stay at arm’s length, although they welcome involvement in the P & C which wasn’t generally taken up.

Don’t you just love that magical smile and all those feathers…our swan.

Of course, my relationship to the school was different to what it might’ve been due to my health. Had I been well, I could well have gone back to work full or part-time and not been so involved with my kids or their schooling.

Miss with Mum and Dad after graduation.

In addition to considering my transition from school mum into territory unknown, I have also been quietly acknowledging how grateful I am still here to see her graduate and attend her formal. I didn’t expect to be here, especially when I had a serious deterioration in my lung fibrosis about 10 years ago and again this year. I have kept fairly quiet about this as she doesn’t like me to talk about all of that. We play pretend. Ignore the elephant in the room, even when I’m coughing almost beyond my last breath. I’m fine!

Anyway, I thought I’d share a few photos of Miss and her big day. Such a proud Mum, not just because she looked so beautifully stunning, but because she’s persevered through all sorts of hurdles and hung in there. Her schooling was significantly impacted by the lengthy covid lockdowns we had and she and many of her peers had distinct gaps. She also has some serious health issues and missed a lot of school. This combo naturally had a huge impact and things didn’t go to plan, but she’ll be studying ballet full time next year.

Goodbye to the school gate forever. Or?

Anyway, take care and best wishes,


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